Wednesday, April 29, 2009

B/R Multiplayer

The Decklist

Creatures -- (16)
3x -- Spiteflame Witch
3x -- Wall of Souls
4x -- Lightning Reaver
4x -- Demigod of Revenge
2x -- Kaervek the Merciless

Other Spells -- (22)
3x -- Dark Ritual
4x -- Terminate
3x -- Sizzle
3x -- Volcanic Fallout
3x -- Syphon Soul
3x -- Seething Song
3x -- Breath of Malfegor

Lands -- (23)
4x -- Graven Cairns
4x -- Rakdos Carnarium
8x -- Mountain
7x -- Swamp

Ok, so this is version 2.0 of my multiplayer Black and Red deck. It still hurts people, it scares Jake, and it's been winning some games. Im still not too sure what the verdict is going to be...its up in the air at this point.


  1. dude i dont think that the soft counters aree gonna be very good. i think you should be more focused on the "every1 takes damage" theme, or more them into hyper utility spots. cards like damnation, molten disaster, syphon life, wild ricochet. they just seem 1000000 times better ina deck like this. my 2 cents

  2. true. i went with these soft counters in particular b/c i figured with Reflection on the table, it'd be twice the damage they would take to null the counter.

  3. here is the biggest problem with that idea...would reflections costs 6...the counters cost 2. that makes your curve backwards. you will wanna cast those early to attempt to get people to not let their spells resolve....then later in the game u will draw the reflection and it wont matter about the counters. i would think that even brow beat would be better in this

  4. I like this list; very powerful. I like that between Witch, Sizzle, Syphon Soul, Lightning Reaver and Breath of Malfegor everybody's taking damage but they can't predict from where. This kind of global damage strategy is exactly what Sham-Wow has no defense from; Form of the Dragon is unplayable with Breath of Malfegor going around.

    I agree that Browbeat would be mad powerful in this deck. If everyone's struggling to avoid damage, they aren't going to want to take the 5. You'll get the cards almost every time.
