Wednesday, April 29, 2009

B/R Multiplayer

The Decklist

Creatures -- (16)
3x -- Spiteflame Witch
3x -- Wall of Souls
4x -- Lightning Reaver
4x -- Demigod of Revenge
2x -- Kaervek the Merciless

Other Spells -- (22)
3x -- Dark Ritual
4x -- Terminate
3x -- Sizzle
3x -- Volcanic Fallout
3x -- Syphon Soul
3x -- Seething Song
3x -- Breath of Malfegor

Lands -- (23)
4x -- Graven Cairns
4x -- Rakdos Carnarium
8x -- Mountain
7x -- Swamp

Ok, so this is version 2.0 of my multiplayer Black and Red deck. It still hurts people, it scares Jake, and it's been winning some games. Im still not too sure what the verdict is going to be...its up in the air at this point.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

B/R Arena

The New *NEW* Decklist

Creatures -- (16)
3x -- Spikeshot Goblin
3x -- Death Baron
3x -- Mirri the Cursed
4x -- Mephidross Vampire
3x -- Deathbringer Thoctar

Other Spells -- (20)
3x -- Dark Ritual
3x -- Vampiric Link
4x -- Rakdos Signet
4x -- Soul's Fire
3x -- Seething Song
3x -- Conspiracy

Lands -- (25)
4x -- Arena
4x -- Graven Cairns
3x -- Rakdos Carnarium
2x -- Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
7x -- Swamp
5x -- Mountain

Ok, so this deck underwent some major changes. Blood Cultist was good, but it only pinged for 1 damage every time; so I upgraded to Spikeshot Goblin. He doesnt make himself bigger in any way, and his ping ability costs 1 red mana, but he hits equal to his power (which is constantly growing with Mephidross Vampire on the board) AND he can hit players. He was a much needed replacement.

We also dropped Syphon Soul as a means to gain life. Vampiric Link is much more flavorful, and tends to net a great deal more life anyway.

And (thanks to Alara Reborn) I know can take advantage of a niffty little combo. Deathbringer Thoctar is quickly becoming the decks MVP. He is a 3/3 Zombie Beast that gets a +1/+1 counter ever time another creature is put into a graveyard (a varient of the vampire ability) AND you can remove a +1/+1 counter to deal 1 damage to target creature or you see where this is going? Because Deathbringer Thoctar is a Zombie, he immediatly gets buffed by Death Baron and gets +1/+1 and deathtouch. So every time you pull a counter off of him to deal damage to a creature, that creature will instantly die and he gets the counter back. With one counter Deathbringer Thoctar can instant-kill every creature on the board. With Mephidross Vampire in play, Deathbringer Thoctar starts netting counters up to the point where you just pull all of them and hit some unlucky player for a bunch.

God, I love this deck.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mighty Morphling Power Rangers

The Deck List:

Creatures (15):
3x Morphling
3x Torchling
3x Clone
3x Vesuvan Shapeshifter
2x Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
1x Akroma, Angel of Fury

Other Spells (21):
2x Sensei's Divining Top
3x Impulse
3x Ancestral Vision
3x Electrolyze
3x Swerve
3x Wild Ricochet
4x Quicksilver Dagger

Lands (24):
4x Izzet Boilerworks
4x Shivan Reef
10x Island
6x Mountain

OK, so that's the deck. For those of you playing at home that haven't yet figured out what it does, I'll do my best to give you a general breakdown of what is supposed to happen:

Basically you're going to want to bide your time in the early game -- play your lands and pass your turn. This deck does NOT like to draw attention to itself too quickly. Once you have the mana (and there are some attractive creatures on the board) go ahead and play Vesuvan Shapeshifter morphed. This is a relatively loud play from what I have gathered from my friends -- people don't like not know what you have played, so make sure you have the mana available to Swerve or Wild Ricochet if needed. Turn him face up at the most opportune moment and copy some big fatty to beef your defenses if you need to.

Now comes the reason I made the deck in the first place:

By this time you're going to have enough mana to kick the deck into second gear. Drop your Morphling or Torchling (leaving mana open to protect them, of course) and charge your lasers. Both of these creatures are extremely versitile and difficult to kill. The ability to give Morphling shroud or swerving a kill-spell away from Torchling comes in very handy. That plus being able to pump either their power or toughness means that, short of a board sweeper or a misplay, they'll be sticking around for a little while. And on top of all that, you can swing and untap next turn to block if you really need to.

So, what goes well with a creature that can untap itself? -- How about an Aura that lets you tap the creature to ping and draw a card? Sounds good to me.

Quicksilver Dagger is a fun way to play with both Morphling and Torchling. You can essentially ping every opponent until you refill your hand or until they die or until you run out of mana -- whatever floats your boat.

Now what would 'Mighty Morphling Power Rangers' be if they didn't have a bad ass Dragon Zord? Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind fills that need pretty well. He loves it when you draw cards and your opponents hate it when you draw cards -- I think it works. So now, you aren't just pinging for one with Quicksilver Dagger, but two; the second of which you can feel free to throw at either a creature or player, whatever the situation calls for. On top of that, Niv-Mizzet is a 4/4 flying body -- he can handle attacking and blocking on his own.

Besides the essentials that have already been spoken of, I'm running a great deal of card draw at the moment, as well as some draw fixing and some pinch defensive spells. Electrolyze is a lot of fun, and im considering giving it, and other cards like it, a larger role in the deck. Akroma, Angel of Fury is a one-of because she can be. She is not pivotal to the deck, and to be frank I'm considering pulling her out for a forth Electrolyze. We'll see if se pulls her wieght or not.

So there it is -- 'Mighty Morphling Power Rangers'. I have a feeling it's going to be a lot of fun. I haven't had a real chance to play it in a multiplayer game, but that will change relatively soon. I think it is one of the more thought-provoking decks I've built, and it is a LARGE step away from anything having to do with Grave Pact, so I'm fairly certain all my friends will at least be happy about that part.

A Place To Start

Hey guys,

So this is my first Blog and I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to go, but we're gonna give it a try.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my friend Jake for introducing me to, I'm not copying you, I'm just curious. =P